Tag Archives: Al-Qaedaism

Danger is Bin Laden’s Ideas Will Survive His Death

This article first appeared in the 3 May 2011 edition of The Irish Times and is reproduced here with their kind permission.

ANALYSIS: The death of the figurehead leader of al-Qaeda does not presage the end of the worldwide campaign of terror he inspired

OSAMA BIN Laden’s legacy is that the ideology of al-Qaeda will endure. Al-Qaeda is a group of like-minded people, not a global military structure directed from a notional centre. In fact, the “Arab spring” we are witnessing is a much greater threat to al-Qaeda than the loss of its figurehead, iconic though he may have been.

To understand the significance of bin Laden’s death, we need to take a few steps back.

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The Unique Threat from Al-Qaedaism

The arrest and extradition of a fourth suspect in the July London bombings, the jailing of a Syrian in Madrid for organising terrorism in connection with the 9/11 bombings, the excruciating delays caused by increased security in airports, all mean that we are taking effective measures against Al Qaeda. Wrong. Essential, yes, effective, no. Continue reading

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The Threat to London, and Ireland, is not from Islam, Islamic fundamentalism or Islamism

The threat by Osama Bin Laden’s second-in-command, Ayman Al-Zawahiri to continue to target London has serious implications for Britain and Ireland. Continue reading

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The Web – A Key Recruitment Tool for Al-Qaedaism

How can young men in Britain be convinced to kill both themselves and innocent people without any warning to their families? Where is the message of hate coming from and why is it falling on fertile soil?

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